About me
Doug Crane began his career with the Palm Beach County Library System as a children’s librarian in 1998. He was appointed Library Director in 2014, and has spoken at national conferences on topics such as office productivity and leadership for over a decade. Doug is the author of the articles, “May I Ask You a Question? Lessons Learned from Interviewing Public Library Leaders”; “Efficient Librarianship – A New Path for the Profession” and “Go For It! Advice From Library Directors” all published in Public Libraries magazine. In 2021, Doug was honored as the Librarian of the Year by the Florida Library Association. He also served as the Association’s President from 2023-2024. For his public speaking skills, he recently received the Distinguished Toastmaster designation from Toastmasters International. Doug shares his musings at www.efficientlibrarian.com. In his spare time, he admires his collection of Doctor Who sonic screwdrivers, and relaxes at home with his wife, daughter, dog and cat.